- {% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %}
- include:
- - apache
- {%- for site, confcert in salt['pillar.get']('apache:sites', {}).iteritems() %}
- {% if confcert.SSLCertificateKeyFile is defined and confcert.SSLCertificateKeyFile_content is defined %}
- # Deploy {{ site }} key file
- apache_cert_config_{{ site }}_key_file:
- file.managed:
- - name: {{ confcert.SSLCertificateKeyFile }}
- - contents_pillar: apache:sites:{{ site }}:SSLCertificateKeyFile_content
- - makedirs: True
- - mode: 600
- - user: root
- - group: root
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-reload
- {% endif %}
- {% if confcert.SSLCertificateFile is defined and confcert.SSLCertificateFile_content is defined %}
- # Deploy {{ site }} cert file
- apache_cert_config_{{ site }}_cert_file:
- file.managed:
- - name: {{ confcert.SSLCertificateFile }}
- - contents_pillar: apache:sites:{{ site }}:SSLCertificateFile_content
- - makedirs: True
- - mode: 600
- - user: root
- - group: root
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-reload
- {% endif %}
- {% if confcert.SSLCertificateChainFile is defined and confcert.SSLCertificateChainFile_content is defined %}
- # Deploy {{ site }} bundle file
- apache_cert_config_{{ site }}_bundle_file:
- file.managed:
- - name: {{ confcert.SSLCertificateChainFile }}
- - contents_pillar: apache:sites:{{ site }}:SSLCertificateChainFile_content
- - makedirs: True
- - mode: 600
- - user: root
- - group: root
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-reload
- {% endif %}
- {%- endfor %}