home_assistant formula | |||||
========================================= | |||||
0.1 (2015-08-22) | |||||
- Initial formula setup |
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 OpenSource | |||||
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |||||
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |||||
You may obtain a copy of the License at | |||||
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |||||
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |||||
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |||||
WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |||||
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |||||
limitations under the License. |
================================== | |||||
home_assistant | |||||
================================== | |||||
Service home_assistant description | |||||
Sample pillars | |||||
============== | |||||
Single home_assistant service | |||||
.. code-block:: yaml | |||||
home_assistant: | |||||
server: | |||||
enabled: true | |||||
version: icehouse | |||||
Read more | |||||
========= | |||||
* links |
0.1 |
salt-formula-home_assistant (0.1) trusty; urgency=medium | |||||
* Initial release | |||||
-- ales.komarek@newt.cz Thu, 13 Aug 2015 23:23:41 +0200 |
9 |
Source: salt-formula-home_assistant | |||||
Maintainer: ales.komarek@newt.cz | |||||
Section: admin | |||||
Priority: optional | |||||
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9) | |||||
Standards-Version: 3.9.6 | |||||
Homepage: http://www.tcpcloud.eu | |||||
Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/tcpcloud/salt-formula-home_assistant | |||||
Vcs-Git: https://github.com/tcpcloud/salt-formula-home_assistant.git | |||||
Package: salt-formula-home_assistant | |||||
Architecture: all | |||||
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, salt-master, reclass | |||||
Description: home_assistant salt formula | |||||
Install and configure home_assistant system. |
Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ | |||||
Upstream-Name: salt-formula-home_assistant | |||||
Upstream-Contact: | |||||
Source: https://github.com/tcpcloud/salt-formula-home_assistant | |||||
Files: * | |||||
Copyright: 2014-2015 OpenSource | |||||
License: Apache-2.0 | |||||
Copyright (C) 2014-2015 OpenSource | |||||
. | |||||
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |||||
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |||||
. | |||||
On a Debian system you can find a copy of this license in | |||||
/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0. |
README.rst | |||||
CHANGELOG.rst | |||||
home_assistant/* /usr/share/salt-formulas/env/home_assistant/ | |||||
metadata/service/* /usr/share/salt-formulas/reclass/service/home_assistant/ | |||||
# Not all salt formulas has custom states and modules, | |||||
# uncomment to install them | |||||
# _modules/* /usr/share/salt-formulas/env/_modules/ | |||||
# _states/* /usr/share/salt-formulas/env/_states/ |
#!/usr/bin/make -f | |||||
%: | |||||
dh $@ | |||||
3.0 (native) |
# Service config file |
{%- if pillar.home_assistant is defined %} | |||||
include: | |||||
{%- if pillar.home_assistant.server is defined %} | |||||
- home_assistant.server | |||||
{%- endif %} | |||||
{%- endif %} |
{%- set source_engine = salt['pillar.get']('home_assistant:server:source:engine') %} | |||||
{%- load_yaml as base_defaults %} | |||||
{%- if source_engine == 'git' %} | |||||
Debian: | |||||
pkgs: | |||||
- python-psycopg2 | |||||
dir: | |||||
base: /srv/home_assistant/venv | |||||
home: /var/lib/home_assistant | |||||
workspace: /srv/home_assistant/workspace | |||||
RedHat: | |||||
pkgs: | |||||
- python-psycopg2 | |||||
dir: | |||||
base: /srv/home_assistant/venv | |||||
home: /var/lib/home_assistant | |||||
workspace: /srv/home_assistant/workspace | |||||
{%- else %} | |||||
Debian: | |||||
pkgs: | |||||
- helpdesk | |||||
dir: | |||||
base: /usr/lib/home_assistant | |||||
{%- endif %} | |||||
{%- endload %} | |||||
{%- set server = salt['grains.filter_by'](base_defaults, merge=salt['pillar.get']('home_assistant:server')) %} |
# Sample check | |||||
check: | |||||
local_home_assistant_proc: | |||||
command: "PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins check_procs -C home_assistant -u home_assistant -c 1:1" | |||||
interval: 60 | |||||
occurrences: 1 | |||||
subscribers: | |||||
- local-home_assistant-server |
{%- from "home_assistant/map.jinja" import server with context %} | |||||
# Fill in documentation details | |||||
doc: | |||||
name: home_assistant | |||||
description: Some service info | |||||
role: | |||||
server: | |||||
name: server | |||||
param: | |||||
some_param: | |||||
name: "Some name" | |||||
value: "some value" |
{%- from "home_assistant/map.jinja" import server with context %} | |||||
{%- if server.enabled %} | |||||
{%- endif %} |
applications: | |||||
- home_assistant | |||||
classes: | |||||
- service.home_assistant.support | |||||
parameters: | |||||
home_assistant: | |||||
server: | |||||
enabled: true | |||||
bind: | |||||
address: |
applications: | |||||
- home_assistant | |||||
classes: | |||||
- service.home_assistant.support | |||||
parameters: | |||||
home_assistant: | |||||
server: | |||||
enabled: true | |||||
bind: | |||||
address: |
parameters: | |||||
home_assistant: | |||||
_support: | |||||
collectd: | |||||
enabled: false | |||||
heka: | |||||
enabled: false | |||||
sensu: | |||||
enabled: false | |||||
sphinx: | |||||
enabled: true |