{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import network with context %} {%- if network.enabled %} {%- for name, host in network.host.iteritems() %} {%- if host.names is defined %} {%- if host.get('enabled', True) %} linux_host_{{ name }}: host.present: - ip: {{ host.address }} - names: {{ host.names }} {%- if host.address in grains.ipv4 and host.names|length > 1 %} {%- if host.names.1 in host.names.0 %} {%- set before = host.names.1 + " " + host.names.0 %} {%- set after = host.names.0 + " " + host.names.1 %} {%- elif host.names.0 in host.names.1 %} {%- set before = host.names.0 + " " + host.names.1 %} {%- set after = host.names.1 + " " + host.names.0 %} {%- endif %} linux_host_{{ name }}_order_fix: module.run: - name: file.replace - path: /etc/hosts - pattern: {{ before }} - repl: {{ after }} - watch: - host: linux_host_{{ name }} - onlyif: - grep -q "{{ before }}" /etc/hosts {%- endif %} {%- else %} linux_host_{{ name }}_absent: host.absent: - ip: {{ host.address }} - names: {{ host.names }} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %}