Bechtoldt's Network Saltstack Formula
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  1. # network-formula
  2. Salt Stack Formula to set up and configure a host's network configuration
  4. * This formula aims to follow the conventions and recommendations described at [](
  5. ## TODO
  6. * Use more of the available options in interfaces.sls of network.managed
  7. * interfaces: configure broadcast if set
  8. ## Instructions
  9. 1. Add this repository as a [GitFS]( backend in your Salt master config.
  10. 2. Configure your Pillar top file (`/srv/pillar/top.sls`), see pillar.example
  11. 3. Include this Formula within another Formula or simply define your needed states within the Salt top file (`/srv/salt/top.sls`).
  12. ## Available states
  13. ### network.hosts
  14. Sets the static lookup table for hostnames
  15. ### network.interfaces
  16. Sets the network interfaces configuration
  17. ### network.resolver
  18. Sets the resolver configuration
  19. ## Additional resources
  20. None
  21. ## Formula Dependencies
  22. None
  23. ## Contributions
  24. Contributions are always welcome. All development guidelines you have to know are
  25. * write clean code (proper YAML+Jinja syntax, no trailing whitespaces, no empty lines with whitespaces, LF only)
  26. * set sane default settings
  27. * test your code
  28. * update doc
  29. ## Salt Compatibility
  30. Tested with:
  31. * 2014.1.0
  32. ## OS Compatibility
  33. Tested with:
  34. * GNU/ Linux Debian Wheezy