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SaltStack Formula to set up and configure a host's network configuration
.. contents::
:backlinks: none
Please refer to https://github.com/bechtoldt/formula-docs to learn how to use
this formula, how it is built and how you can add your changes.
**NOTICE:** This formula might uses the formhelper module which is a very useful Salt execution module that isn't available in upstream yet. Please consider retrieving it manually from https://github.com/bechtoldt/salt-modules and make it available to your Salt installation. Read `SaltStack documentation <http://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/#modules-are-easy-to-write>`_ to see how this can be achieved.
Take a look at older releases (branches) to get a version that isn't using the formhelper yet (if any).
Contributions are welcome! All development guidelines we ask you to follow can
be found at https://github.com/bechtoldt/formula-docs.
In general:
1. Fork this repo on Github
2. Add changes, test them, update docs (README.rst) if possible
3. Submit your pull request (PR) on Github, wait for feedback
But it’s better to `file an issue <https://github.com/bechtoldt/saltstack-network-formula/issues/new>`_ with your idea first.
* add instructions how to use formhelper, add information about it in the formula-docs (dependency), show up alternative?
* table/ matrix: os/salt compatibility (dedicated file)
* add list of available states
* add tests
* Use more of the available options in interfaces.sls of network.managed
* interfaces: configure broadcast if set
* rewrite using #!py renderer
* Alan Pearce <alan@alanpearce.co.uk>
* Arnold Bechtoldt <mail@arnoldbechtoldt.com>
* Krzysztof Pawłowski <krzysztof.pawlowski@firma.interia.pl>
* René Jochum <rene@jochums.at>
* Simon Lloyd <simon@slloyd.net>
* root <root@saltmaster01.(none)>
Recommended formulas:
* SaltStack management: `saltstack-salt-formula <https://github.com/bechtoldt/saltstack-salt-formula>`_
Further reading:
* Documentation and Standardisation of SaltStack formulas: https://github.com/bechtoldt/formula-docs