@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ |
{#- Extract the hostname from the FQDN and add it to the names. #} |
{%- if use_hostnames is iterable -%} |
{%- for name in names | sort -%} |
{%- if salt["match.{}".format(hostnames_expr_form)](hostnames_target, minion_id=name) -%} |
{%- if salt["match.{}".format(hostnames_tgt_type)](hostnames_target, minion_id=name) -%} |
{%- set hostname = name.split('.')|first -%} |
{%- if hostname not in names -%} |
{%- do names.append(hostname) -%} |
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ |
{#- Pre-fetch pillar data #} |
{%- set target = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:target', '*') -%} |
{%- set expr_form = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:expr_form', 'glob') -%} |
{%- set tgt_type = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:tgt_type', 'glob') -%} |
{%- set keys_function = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:mine_keys_function', 'public_ssh_host_keys') -%} |
{%- set hostname_function = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:mine_hostname_function', 'public_ssh_hostname') -%} |
{%- set use_hostnames = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:hostnames', False) -%} |
{%- set hostnames_target_default = '*' if grains['domain'] == '' else "*.{}".format(grains['domain']) -%} |
{%- set hostnames_target = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:hostnames:target', hostnames_target_default) -%} |
{%- set hostnames_expr_form = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:hostnames:expr_form', 'glob') -%} |
{%- set hostnames_tgt_type = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:known_hosts:hostnames:tgt_type', 'glob') -%} |
{#- Lookup IP of all aliases so that when we have a matching IP, we inject the alias name |
in the SSH known_hosts entry -#} |
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ |
{%- endfor -%} |
{#- Loop over targetted minions -#} |
{%- set host_keys = salt['mine.get'](target, keys_function, expr_form=expr_form) -%} |
{%- set host_names = salt['mine.get'](target, hostname_function, expr_form=expr_form) -%} |
{%- set host_keys = salt['mine.get'](target, keys_function, tgt_type=tgt_type) -%} |
{%- set host_names = salt['mine.get'](target, hostname_function, tgt_type=tgt_type) -%} |
{%- for host, keys in host_keys|dictsort -%} |
{{ known_host_entry(host, host_names, keys) }} |
{%- endfor -%} |