- ---
- name: Feature request
- about: Suggest an idea for this project
- title: '[FEATURE] '
- labels: 'enhancement'
- assignees: ''
- ---
- <!--
- Notes:
- 1. Only post _feature requests_ here.
- 2. Use the appropriate template for _bug reports_.
- 3. Please direct questions to the [`#formulas` channel on Slack](https://saltstackcommunity.slack.com/messages/C7LG8SV54/), which is bridged to `#saltstack-formulas` on Freenode.
- -->
- ### Is your feature request related to a problem?
- <!-- A clear and concise description of what the problem is. -->
- ### Describe the solution you'd like
- <!-- A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. -->
- ### Describe alternatives you've considered
- <!-- Describe any alternative solutions or features you've considered. -->
- ### Additional context
- <!-- Add any other context about the feature request here. -->
- ---
- ### Meta: How can this template be improved?
- <!-- Feel free to suggest how this template can be improved. -->