Saltstack Official PHP Formula
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  1. ## pillar examples
  2. php:
  3. # Use external repository instead the default (only Ubuntu family)
  4. use_external_repo: True
  5. # Set the external repository name (valid only if use_external_repo is not none)
  6. external_repo_name: 'ondrej/php'
  7. # Use Software Collections Repository offering PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1
  8. # for more information.
  9. # SCL is only supported on RHEL and CentOS and only active when using
  10. use_scl_repo: True
  11. # Which PHP version from the SCL repos to use
  12. scl_php_version: 71
  13. # Set the MongoDB driver version. You can specify (optionally) the driver version
  14. # when you add the php.mongo formula to your execution list
  15. mongo_version: "1.5.5"
  16. ng:
  17. # set the version of php to be used
  18. version: "7.3"
  19. # can be a list of versions :
  20. # version:
  21. # - "7.3"
  22. # - "7.2"
  23. # set the version for the Debian alternatives system, when using a list of versions,
  24. # php:ng:version is used otherwise.
  25. alternatives_version: "7.3"
  26. # this section contains mostly grain filtered data, while overrides
  27. # are possible in the pillar for unique cases, if your OS is not
  28. # represented, please consider adding it to the map.jinja for
  29. # upstream inclusion
  30. lookup:
  31. enable_php_repo: centos-sclo-rh-testing
  32. # package definitions, these can be strings, lists of strings, or
  33. # lists of dictionaries
  34. pkgs:
  35. memcached: php5-memcached
  36. # ensures both will be installed
  37. curl:
  38. - php-common
  39. - curl
  40. # a dictionary can be used in more complex cases where you want
  41. # to pass forward special arguments to the pkg.installed call
  42. # you MUST include the name argument for this to work
  43. cli:
  44. -
  45. name: php-cli
  46. fromrepo: my-specialrepo
  47. -
  48. name: php-common
  49. skip_verify: True
  50. # php-fpm os-specific settings
  51. fpm:
  52. conf: /location/of/php-fpm/config.conf
  53. ini: /location/of/php-fpm/php.ini
  54. pools: /location/of/php-fpm/pool.d
  55. service: name-of-php5-fpm-service
  56. # the default content of the php5-fpm main config file
  57. defaults:
  58. global:
  59. pid: /var/run/
  60. # php-cli os-specific settings
  61. cli:
  62. ini: /location/of/php-cli/php.ini
  63. # php-fpm settings
  64. fpm:
  65. # settings for the php-fpm service
  66. service:
  67. # if True, enables the php-fpm service, if False disables it
  68. enabled: True
  69. # additional arguments passed forward to
  70. # service.enabled/disabled
  71. opts:
  72. reload: True
  73. # settings for the relevant php-fpm configuration files
  74. config:
  75. # options to manage the php.ini file used by php-fpm
  76. ini:
  77. # arguments passed through to file.managed
  78. opts:
  79. recurse: True
  80. # php.ini file contents that will be merged with the
  81. # defaults in See for
  82. # syntax guidelines.
  83. settings:
  84. PHP:
  85. engine: 'Off'
  86. extension_dir: '/usr/lib/php/modules/'
  87. extension: [,,]
  88. # options to manage the php-fpm conf file
  89. conf:
  90. # arguments passed through to file.managed
  91. opts:
  92. recurse: True
  93. # php-fpm conf file contents that will be merged with
  94. # See for
  95. # ini-style syntax guidelines.
  96. settings:
  97. global:
  98. pid: /var/run/php-fpm/special-pid.file
  99. # settings for fpm-pools
  100. pools:
  101. # defaults will apply for each pools settings and can be overwritten by pool settings
  102. defaults:
  103. user: nginx
  104. group: nginx
  105. listen: /var/run/php-fpm-default.sock
  106. # name of the pool file to be managed, this will be appended
  107. # to the path specified in
  108. 'mypool.conf':
  109. # If true, the pool file will be managed, if False it will be
  110. # absent
  111. enabled: True
  112. # Overwrite the filename for ext_pillar that doesn't allow
  113. # dots in fields names.
  114. filname: my_other_name.conf
  115. # arguments passed forward to file.managed or file.absent
  116. opts:
  117. replace: False
  118. # pool file contents. See for ini-style
  119. # syntax guidelines.
  120. settings:
  121. myapp:
  122. user: www-data
  123. group: www-data
  124. listen: /var/run/php5-fpm-myapp.sock
  125. listen.owner: www-data
  126. www-data
  127. listen.mode: 0660
  128. pm: dynamic
  129. pm.max_children: 5
  130. pm.start_servers: 2
  131. pm.min_spare_servers: 1
  132. pm.max_spare_servers: 3
  133. 'php_admin_value[memory_limit]': 300M
  134. # php-cli settings
  135. cli:
  136. # settings to manage the cli's php.ini
  137. ini:
  138. # opts passed forward directly to file.managed
  139. opts:
  140. replace: False
  141. # contents of the php.ini file that are merged with defaults
  142. # from See for ini-style
  143. # syntax guidelines
  144. settings:
  145. PHP:
  146. engine: 'Off'
  147. # php-xcache settings
  148. xcache:
  149. ini:
  150. opts: {}
  151. # contents of the xcache.ini file that are merged with defaults
  152. # from php.xcache.ini.defaults. See for ini-style
  153. settings:
  154. xcache:
  155. xcache.size: 90M
  156. # global php.ini settings
  157. ini:
  158. # Default php.ini contents. These follow a strict format. The top-
  159. # level dict keys form ini group headings. Nested key/value
  160. # pairs represent setting=value statements. If a value is a list,
  161. # its contents will be joined by commas in final rendering.
  162. defaults:
  163. PHP:
  164. engine: on
  165. output_buffering: 4096
  166. disable_functions:
  167. - pcntl_alarm
  168. - pcntl_fork
  169. - pcntl_wait
  170. 'CLI Server':
  171. cli_server_color: 'On'
  172. # List of modules to install via
  173. modules:
  174. # Calls `<name>` if available, or try to install the matching
  175. # packages that can be set via from php:ng:lookup:pkgs
  176. - cli
  177. - fpm
  178. - curl
  179. - mysql
  180. # When using on FreeBSD:
  181. # Set this to False if you're not using apache-formula
  182. use_apache_formula: True