# Manages the php-fpm service. {% from "php/map.jinja" import php with context %} {% from "php/macro.jinja" import sls_block %} {% set service_function = {True:'running', False:'dead'}.get(php.fpm.service.enabled) %} {% set pillar_php_version = salt['pillar.get']('php:version', '7.0') %} include: - php.fpm.install {% if pillar_php_version is iterable and pillar_php_version is not string %} {% for version in pillar_php_version %} php_fpm_service_{{ version }}: service.{{ service_function }}: {{ sls_block(php.fpm.service.opts) }} - name: {{ 'php' ~ version ~ '-fpm' }} - enable: {{ php.fpm.service.enabled }} - require: - sls: php.fpm.install - watch: - pkg: php_install_fpm {% endfor %} {% else %} php_fpm_service: service.{{ service_function }}: {{ sls_block(php.fpm.service.opts) }} - name: {{ php.lookup.fpm.service }} - enable: {{ php.fpm.service.enabled }} - require: - sls: php.fpm.install - watch: - pkg: php_install_fpm {% endif %}