- '''
- Saltgraph engine for catching returns of state runs, parsing them
- and passing them to flat database of latest Salt resource runs.
- '''
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import datetime
- import json
- import logging
- import salt.utils.event
- try:
- import psycopg2
- import psycopg2.extras
- except ImportError:
- __virtualname__ = 'saltgraph'
- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- def __virtual__():
- if not HAS_POSTGRES:
- return False, 'Could not import saltgraph engine. python-psycopg2 is not installed.'
- return __virtualname__
- def _get_conn(options={}):
- '''
- Return a postgres connection.
- '''
- host = options.get('host', '')
- user = options.get('user', 'salt')
- passwd = options.get('passwd', 'salt')
- datab = options.get('db', 'salt')
- port = options.get('port', 5432)
- return psycopg2.connect(
- host=host,
- user=user,
- password=passwd,
- database=datab,
- port=port)
- def _close_conn(conn):
- '''
- Close the Postgres connection
- '''
- conn.commit()
- conn.close()
- def _get_lowstate_data(options={}):
- '''
- TODO: document this method
- '''
- conn = _get_conn(options)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- try:
- lowstate_req = __salt__['saltutil.cmd']('*', 'state.show_lowstate', **{'timeout': 15, 'concurrent': True, 'queue': True})
- except:
- lowstate_req = {}
- for minion, lowstate_ret in lowstate_req.items():
- if lowstate_ret.get('retcode') != 0:
- continue
- for resource in lowstate_ret.get('ret', []):
- low_sql = '''INSERT INTO salt_resources
- (id, resource_id, host, service, module, fun, status)
- VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
- SET resource_id = excluded.resource_id,
- host = excluded.host,
- service = excluded.service,
- module = excluded.module,
- fun = excluded.fun,
- alter_time = current_timestamp'''
- rid = "%s|%s" % (minion, resource.get('__id__'))
- cur.execute(
- low_sql, (
- rid,
- resource.get('__id__'),
- minion,
- resource.get('__sls__'),
- resource.get('state') if 'state' in resource else resource.get('module'),
- resource.get('fun'),
- 'unknown'
- )
- )
- conn.commit()
- if lowstate_req:
- meta_sql = '''INSERT INTO salt_resources_meta
- (id, options)
- VALUES (%s, %s)
- SET options = excluded.options,
- alter_time = current_timestamp'''
- cur.execute(
- meta_sql, (
- 'lowstate_data',
- '{}'
- )
- )
- _close_conn(conn)
- def _up_to_date(options={}):
- '''
- TODO: document this method
- '''
- conn = _get_conn(options)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- ret = False
- cur.execute('SELECT alter_time FROM salt_resources_meta WHERE id = %s', ('lowstate_data',))
- alter_time = cur.fetchone()
- if alter_time:
- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- time_diff = now - alter_time[0].replace(tzinfo=None)
- if time_diff < day:
- ret = True
- else:
- skip = False
- _close_conn(conn)
- return ret
- def _update_resources(event, options):
- '''
- TODO: document this method
- '''
- conn = _get_conn(options)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT id FROM salt_resources')
- resources_db = [res[0] for res in cur.fetchall()]
- resources = event.get('return', {}).values()
- for resource in resources:
- rid = '%s|%s' % (event.get('id'), resource.get('__id__'))
- if rid in resources_db:
- status = 'unknown'
- if resource.get('result', None) is not None:
- status = 'success' if resource.get('result') else 'failed'
- resource_sql = '''UPDATE salt_resources SET (status, last_ret, alter_time) = (%s, %s, current_timestamp)
- WHERE id = %s'''
- cur.execute(
- resource_sql, (
- status,
- repr(resource),
- rid
- )
- )
- conn.commit()
- _close_conn(conn)
- def start(host='salt', user='salt', password='salt', database='salt', port=5432, **kwargs):
- '''
- Listen to events and parse Salt state returns
- '''
- if __opts__['__role'] == 'master':
- event_bus = salt.utils.event.get_master_event(
- __opts__,
- __opts__['sock_dir'],
- listen=True)
- else:
- event_bus = salt.utils.event.get_event(
- 'minion',
- transport=__opts__['transport'],
- opts=__opts__,
- sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'],
- listen=True)
- log.debug('Saltgraph engine started')
- while True:
- event = event_bus.get_event()
- supported_funcs = ['state.sls', 'state.apply', 'state.highstate']
- if event and event.get('fun', None) in supported_funcs:
- test = 'test=true' in [arg.lower() for arg in event.get('fun_args', [])]
- if not test:
- options = {
- 'host': host,
- 'user': user,
- 'passwd': password,
- 'db': database,
- 'port': port
- }
- is_reclass = [arg for arg in event.get('fun_args', []) if arg.startswith('reclass')]
- if is_reclass or not _up_to_date(options):
- _get_lowstate_data(options)
- _update_resources(event, options)